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Time for Action


Accepting that life is challenging is a given. Understanding that life is always going to throw you a curve ball does not mean that you stand by while the people most important to you treat you poorly. That is called settling. You are betraying yourself when you accept poor behavior. You accept poor behavior because you tell yourself “that’s just how mama is and always will be” or ” they really don’t mean any harm”. Believe it or not it does cause harm. Each day that you settle and accept poor behavior towards you from your spouse, partner, friend, co-worker or whomever, it slowly chips away at who you are. It chips away at your soul like a cancer, and if multiple people are constantly chipping away then slowly you will find that your soul has nothing left. You have that numb feeling of indifference in your heart.


You know it’s happening. It’s those days when you feel like crying and you have no idea why. Those days when you feel like you gave everything of yourself and you have nothing left to give. It’s those days when you see the text messages coming in yet you don’t want to reply. Or even those days when you are out with your friends or having a quiet night with your lover yet you still feel empty.


There comes a time when you have to feed and replenish your soul. You pray to heal the person mistreating you and yet nothing seems to change. It may seem as if your prayers are answered when they treat you well for a couple days but then it’s right back to the same stuff. I challenge you to pray for your own strength and encouragement to make the changes you need to replenish your soul. Pray to gain insight and clarity so you can overcome whatever the fear is that is rendering you powerless to remove yourself from the people chipping away at your soul. It is not selfish to take care of yourself and your needs. You can no longer betray yourself.


It is time to take action without fear of judgement but with empowerment. As always, the choice is yours.

Jamillah Foulkes~Empower U



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